Computer Vision – Deep Learning

C++ number recognition program using ANN

Computer vision has recently experienced a boom in the AI field. It has many applications and it could be very useful to provide a machine the sense. It is used in words and number recognition, to classify objects in clusters and it also gives us the possibility to make autonomous cars. We have seen posts about autonomous cars and computer vision is the next step to achieve this.

We have used a simple backpropagation neural network to recognize the numbers that implement mini-batch learning, momentum, Xavier initialization, and normalization. It is really an advanced ANN that classifies numbers in 10 cluster that represents each one a number between 0 and 9.

Neural Network Tutorial

C++ Neural Network Backpropagation tutorial from scratch.

In this playlist, I teach the neural network architecture and the learning processes to make the ANN able to learn from a dataset.

The Tutorials are divided in each part of the neural network and we start coding it in C++ in Visual Studio 2017. Once you have completed the tutorial you will be able to design your own neural network and optimize it.

  1. Introduction
  2. Neuron & Layer
  3. Input & Output Layer
  4. Hidden Layer
  5. Neural network
  6. Training
  7. FeedForward & Backpropagation

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